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Visiting Professor – Brazil


Public notice for the selection of Visiting Professors in Brazil is published in English. The version of the notice and the application form in English are available for consultation at the address  https://propg.ufsc.br/cin/print/editais-print/

Edital 06/2019/PROPG

The Dean of Graduate Studies at the Federal University of Santa de Catarina, in the exercise of its powers, makes it public that applications are open for classification of candidates referring to the remaining grants for Visiting Professor in Brazil (PVB) of the PRINT-CAPES Program /UFSC, to start the period of activities in Brazil between January and March 2020.

Registration: November 26th and 27th

Edital Classificação PVB Remanescentes 2019 PRINT-CAPES-UFSC-FINAL


Edital 07/PPGBQA/2019

The Coordination of the Graduate Program in Biochemistry at the Federal University of Santa de Catarina announces that applications are open for selection of Visiting Professors in Brazil (PVB) for the PRINT-CAPES/UFSC Program.

Registration: 05/13/2019 to 06/30/2019

Theme Title: Human Health
Subproject Title: Molecular and therapeutic targets in metabolic diseases and
PPG’s Participants: Graduate Program in Biochemistry (PPGBQA), Graduate Program in Neurosciences (PPGNeuro) and Graduate Program in Pharmacology (PPGFMC)

Ficha de inscrição PVB
Homologação inscrições – Edital Bolsas PVB PRINt CAPES UFSC 2019-2
Resultado final -Edital Bolsas PVB PRINt CAPES UFSC 2019
Homologação de inscrição – Sebastien Talbot
Resultado final 2-Edital Bolsas PVB PRINt CAPES UFSC 2019

Edital 06/PPGBTC/2019

The Coordination of the Graduate Program in Biotechnology and Biosciences (PPGBTC) of the Federal University of Santa de Catarina, in the use of its attributions as the leader program of the PRINT-CAPES/UFSC subproject, makes public that applications for the selection of Visiting Professor in Brazil (PVB) of the PRINT-CAPES/UFSC Program, to start the period of activities in Brazil.PPG Líder: Biotecnologia e Biociências

PPG’s Participants: Graduate Program in Biochemistry (PPGBQA), Graduate Program in Neurosciences (PPGNeuro) and Graduate Program in Pharmacology (PPGFMC)
Subproject Title: Cell Communication


Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.