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Master’s Thesis Defense

  1. The student must check his/her transcript in order to see if he/she has the minimum number of credits, grades, and English proficiency.
  2. Once this is done, the student must fill in the Master’s Defense Form (digitally signed by the student, supervisor, and co-supervisor).
  3. Attach the transcript and the information about external evaluators (if any). Download the External Teacher File and send it to the email: documents.sipg@contato.ufsc.br at least 30 days before the defense date.
  4. Send the divulgation poster to the e-mail: divulgacaociencia.ppgbqa@gmail.com
    Download the Divulgation Poster Template 15 days from the date of the defense.
  5. After approval of the composition of the panel by the Collegiate, the student will receive an e-mail with the other guidelines about the pertinent documentation for the defense of the work.


Due to COVID-19, the Dean of Graduate Studies (PROPG/UFSC) published Normative Ordinance  Portaria Normativa n° 02/2020/PROPG, of March 25, 2020, which authorizes the performance of defenses and qualifications remotely.

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