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Master’s Qualifying Examination

Master’s Qualifying Examination

The Master’s Qualifying Examination must be completed within the first 12 months of student enrollment. The Master’s student will be required to prepare the thesis project (in Portuguese) and its presentation and public defense within the scope of the course “Seminars”.

The project must be organized in such a way as to contain an introduction, general and specific objectives, materials and methods, economic, technical, and temporal feasibility, as well as references, taking into account the guidelines contained in the resolutions and specific rules of the program. The presentation should last 30 – 40 minutes and will be followed by the questioning by the members of the examining committee.

The examining committee must be composed of 2 professors and 1 alternate member (a doctoral degree holder, who may be internal or external to the PPGBQA).

  1. The student must send the project to the examining committee and the Master’s Qualifying Examination Form containing the title of the project, supervisor and members of the committee to SIPG (documentos.sipg@contato.ufsc.br) up to 15 days before the defense.
  2. The student must send the invitation poster for the qualifying exam to the e-mail: coordinatorcaoppgbqa@gmail.comup to 15 days before the defense.  Invitation Poster Template
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