Acesso à informação

Post-Master’s Research

Holders of a master’s degree who are able to carry out full-time activities in the Graduate Program in Biochemistry may apply for a Post-Master’s Research position. The duration of the research position will be  3 (three) to 12 (twelve) months, with a further extension period of up to 12 (twelve) months, at the discretion of the Program’s Delegate Council and based on the detailed opinion of the supervisor.To apply, send the following documents to

I – application form:
II – letter of acceptance from the supervisor;
III – copy of the master’s degree certificate or statement of approval of the master’s thesis;
IV – curriculum vitae (LATTES);
V – work plan, containing a  research project (maximum 20 pages) and the schedule of activities;
VI – declaration of  full-time commitment to the activities to be developed during the Post-Master’s Research period;
VII – official document of release from professional activities, in case of having an employment relationship;
VIII – statement of financial capacity to cover personal expenses and expenses related to carrying out the research project, if the candidate does not receive a grant.
IX – declaration of voluntary work.

Extension – send the following documents to
Extension requests must contain a report on the activities carried out and a work plan for the requested extension period.

Completion – send the following documents to
To receive the certificate of completion, post-master’s researchers must present a detailed report of the activities developed, duly endorsed by the supervising professor and attaching their intellectual production.

All documentation will be submitted for appraisal by the Program’s Delegate Council  within 30 (thirty) days of the end of the research activities.

NORMATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 63/2019/CPG, OF 12 DECEMBER 2019 (in Portuguese).

In case of questions, please contact us by email at