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Master’s Degree

Admission process

Calls for Applications are open periodically and published on the website of the Program. Candidates holding undergraduate degrees recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC) or foreign undergraduate degrees recognized by the Program’s Delegate Council may apply. The admission process includes a written exam in Biochemistry, the submission of a CV, and an interview conducted by a selection committee, according to the rules of the specific Calls for Applications. The program does not guarantee scholarships for selected students.

According to the UFSC affirmative action policy, 20% of seats are guaranteed for black candidates, candidates from Indigenous or Quilombola communities, and socioeconomically vulnerable candidates. Additionally, 10% of seats are guaranteed for candidates with disabilities.

For any questions, you may wish to contact ppgbqa@contato.ufsc.br.

Program Structure

Master’s degree students must complete 24 credits: 18 credits in courses and 6 credits in the master’s thesis. The courses Advanced Biochemistry (4 credits), Seminars I (2 credits) and Seminars II (2 credits) are required. The other credits can be obtained from the elective course(s) and special topics courses. Credits from courses taken in other Graduate Programs can be transferred to the Program if approved by the Program’s Delegate Council. Students holding a CAPES scholarship must also complete a Teaching Internship in Biochemistry. Master’s degree students have one year to show proof of proficiency in a foreign language (English).

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