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Special Topics

Special Topics
(Courses taught by invited professors and not offered regularly in the curriculum) 

BQA510041 – Advanced Studies in Research I
Credit hours: 3 (45 class hours) – Offered in 2022-1 and 2022-2
Dr. Maicon R. Kviecinski
Description: Components and functioning of the immune system. Structural biochemistry and activity of molecules involved in humoral and cellular immune responses. Cytokines and their receptors. Biosignalization and signal transduction. Innate and acquired immunity. Hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, inflammatory response and immunopathology. Specialized immunity in epithelial barriers and immune-privileged tissues. Immunity to tumors. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases based on biological compounds derived from the immune system. Research methods in biochemistry and immunology.

BQA510041 – Advanced Studies in Research I 
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – Offered in 2020-1, 2020-2 and 2021-1
Instructor: Dr. Joana M. Gaspar
Description: Production and dissemination of knowledge: research paradigms, interdisciplinarity and innovation. Research project: theoretical and methodological aspects. Preparation of articles for journals indexed in international reference bases. Development of projects for raising international financial resources.

BQA510043 – Challenges and Innovations in Biological Sciences of the 21st Century
Credit hours: 1 (15 class hours)
Instructor: Dr. Ariane Zamoner Pacheco de Souza
Description: Production, innovation and dissemination of scientific knowledge in Biological Sciences: Innovation and Trends in Biological Sciences; The Impacts of the Pandemic on Mental Health; Challenges for Racial Equity in Science; Science Versus Fake News: How to Combat Science Devaluation and Obscurantism; Innovations and Trends in Scientific Research in Biochemistry; The role of Biological Sciences in facing issues involving Brazil’s Environmental Policy in the 21st Century.

BQA410023 – Special Topics in Biochemistry: Scientific and Academic Writing
Credit hours: 5 (75 class hours) – Offered in 2019-2 and 2020-1
Instructor: Dr. Alexandra S. Latini
Description: Importance of scientific writing in the dissemination of research results. The course addresses the logical structure for the preparation of different academic and scientific manuscripts and provides students with basic notions of writing. It includes methods of planning and organizing scientific projects and texts, notation according to the international system of units (including notation of measure followed by unit), standard description of measured units, appropriate use of biochemical terms (expression, protein content, etc. ), elaboration of hypotheses based on the research problem, definition of objectives (general and specific), presentation of results, forms of discussion, etc. The course has a practical character, which will enable students of the graduate program in Biochemistry to prepare texts that allow the appropriate presentation of theses, dissertations, scientific articles, research projects, etc. Students will structure the writing of research projects that can later be submitted to funding institutions, the writing of articles that can be submitted for publication, etc.

BQA510049 – Special Topics: Biochemistry and Immune Responses
Credit hours: 3 (45 class hours)
Description: Components and functioning of the immune system. Structural biochemistry and activity of molecules involved in humoral and cellular immune responses. Cytokines and their receptors. Biosignalization and signal transduction. Innate and acquired immunity. Hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, inflammatory response and immunopathology. Specialized immunity in epithelial barriers and immune-privileged tissues. Immunity to tumors. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases based on biological compounds derived from the immune system. Research methods in biochemistry and immunology.

BQA510044 – Special Topics: Methodological Tools for the Study of Mitochondrial Function
Credit hours: 3 (45 class hours)
Description: Principle and application of the main methodologies used to assess mitochondrial function. Biological foundations used in each of the methods presented, as well as the methodological principle of each analyzed technique

Special Topics in Biochemistry – Lipid Structure, Metabolism, and Signaling
Instructors: Dr. Ariane Zamoner and Dr. Andrés Trostchansky

BQA510040 – Structure-functions of Ion Channels
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – Offered in 2019-2
Instructors: Dr. Romain Guinamard  (France PVB/CAPES-PRINT) and Dr. Fátima Regina Mena Barreto Silva
Description: The course addresses the basic understanding of cellular electrophysiology, comprising first the physiological aspects of cells, the main recording techniques to evaluate cell bioelectricity, and practical classes on patch clamp single channels.

BQA410022 – Special Topics in Biochemistry: Introduction to the Use of Animal Models to Study Nociception Mechanisms
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – Offered in 2017-1 and 2018-2
Instructors: Dr. Alexandra S. Latini, Dr. Ramira Zepeda (Universidad de O’Hhigins, Chile, and fellow of Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, Boston, USA), Dr. Nara Quintão (Universidade do Vale de Itajaí, Brazil, and fellow of Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, Boston, USA), Dr. Roger Walz (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), Dr. Victor Túlio Ribeiro de Resende (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro), Eduardo Grossmann (President of the Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain), D. Débora da Luz Scheffer (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and fellow of Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA).
Description: Understand the physiology and anatomy involved in the mechanisms of nociception, the mechanism of action of classical and recently developed analgesics, pain biomarkers and pain management. Measurement of nociception in rodents, experimental designs, and statistical analysis. New analgesic modalities.

BQA510023 – Special Topics in Biochemistry: Concept and Applications of High Resolution Respirometry
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – Offered in 2016-1, 2017-1 and 2017-2
Instructor: Dr. Andreza Fabro de Bem
Description: The objective of this course is to deepen and incorporate new concepts regarding the applicability of measuring oxygen consumption and mitochondrial function in different pathophysiological processes.

Molecular and biochemical aspects that regulate extracellular proteolytic activity in physiological and pathological processes
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Gustavo Chiabrando, Dr. Maria Cecilia Sanchez and Dr. Andreza Fabro de Bem
Description: Degradoma, Metaloproteinasas: sus inhibidores y sustratos. Sistema Plasminógeno (Dra Cecilia Sánchez) dictado en 2-3 clases de 50 min cada una. Metodologías de análisis de Metaloproteinasas (Alejandra Saragusti). Estrategias de inhibición de MMPs. Dinámica Molecular y Docking para el estudio de inhibición de MMPs. MMPs en patologías: Ateroesclerosis.  Neovascularización y MMPs e inhibidores. CAPES/SPU Agreement (Brazil-UFSC/Argentina-UNC)

Advanced Course in Fluorescence Microscopy I
Credit hours: 1 (15 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Carlos Mas, Dr. Cecilia Sampedro, Dr.  Guillermo Gomez and Dr.  Andreza Fabro de Bem
Description: Optical and Fluorescence Microscopy. Digital Images. Confocal Microscopy. Spinning Disk Microscopy (DSU). Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM). FRAP. FCS. FRET.

Advanced Course in Fluorescence Microscopy II
Credit hours: 1 (15 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Carlos Mas, Dra. Cecilia Sampedro, Dr.  Guillermo Gomez and Dr.  Andreza Fabro de Bem
Descrpition: Practice I: Acquisition of fluorescence images in fixed preparations. Practice II: Collocation. Practice III: FRET.

BQA 410004 – Protein and Peptide Mass Spectrometry
Credit hours: 1 (15 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Hernán F. Terenzi
Description: Protein and Peptide Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications. Use of Bioinformatics in the analysis of peptide mass spectrometry.

BQA 510016 – Oxidative Stress, Signal Transduction and Biomedicine
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2014
Instructor: Dr. Rozângela C. Pedrosa
Description: Generation of reactive species and free radicals by biological systems. Biosignalization mediated by oxygen and nitrogen free radicals. Oxidative stress: concepts and toxicity. Antioxidant defenses: antioxidants and cytoprotective enzymes. Regulation of apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy processes by free radicals and the development of cancer and degenerative diseases. Main analytical methods for in vivo and in vitro assessment of oxidative stress, antioxidant defenses, and cell death.

BQA 4221000 – Neuro-Immuno-Endocrine Interactions
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Susana E. Rubiales de Barioglio,  Dr. German A. Roth and Dr. Alexandra Susana Latini
Description: Functional and structural bases of the immune system. Innate immunity. Adaptive immunity. Response polarization. Mucosal immunity, inflammatory response and stress-induced immune responses. Neuroendocrine control of immune function. Chemical messengers involved in neuro-immuno-endocrine interactions. Activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis by cytokines. Inflammation, behavioral changes and depression. Ghrelin in the central nervous system. Ghrelin, immunity and motivation. Neuro-immune-endocrine interactions and drugs of abuse. Neuro-immune-endocrine interactions and autoimmune and central nervous system diseases. Techniques applied to the study of endocrine and neuro-immune processes.

BIO510023 – High-Resolution Respirometry Concept and Applications
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Andreza Fabro de Bem and Dr. Antonio Galina Filho (Instituto de Bioquímica Médica, IBqM, UFRJ)
Description: The objective of this course is to deepen and incorporate new concepts regarding the applicability of measuring oxygen consumption and mitochondrial function in different pathophysiological processes.

BQA510025 – Science Education
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2014
Instructor: Dr. Alcir Luiz Dafré
Description: Basic concepts of scientometrics: approaches to scientometrics and bibliometrics analysis parameters in the ISI (Web of Science), Scopus and PubMed databases. Practical exercises for calculating citations, H factor, etc. Concept of Scientific Methodology: “How to teach science?”. An approach to critical and interrogative thinking. Planning and organization of Science Workshops aimed at different audiences: i) primary and lower secondary school students, ii) upper secondary school students and iii) life science (chemistry, biology and physics) teachers.

BQA 510020 – Microbial Stimuli and Sterile Signals involved in the Activation of the Inflammatory Response
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Andreza Fabro de Bem (Coordinator), Dr. Claudia E Sotomayor, Dr. Silvia Correa, Dr. Pablo Iribarren and Dr. Mariana Maccioni
Description: The objective of this course is to deepen and incorporate new concepts in relation to the cellular and molecular aspects of the innate immune response and the inflammatory response, of the regulatory mechanisms, and their association with Central Nervous System pathologies.

BQA 510012 – Physical Exercise and Neuroplasticity
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Alexandra Susana Latini and Dr. Aderbal Silva Aguiar Jr.
Description: Effects and basic mechanisms of physical exercise on the central nervous system (CNS), focusing on mechanisms of neuroplasticity, oxidative stress, and neurodegeneration.

BQA 510015 – Immunobiology of Aging
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Alexandra Susana Latini, Dr. Ariane Zammoner Pacheco and invited professors from UNC/Argentina
Description: Introduction to the basis of immunosenescence, description of functioning in physiological and pathological states.

BQA510022 – Electron microscopy and central Nervous System Cell Culture
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Alexandra Susana Latini, Dr. Gabriela Casanova and Dr. Silvia Bravo Olivera (IBBCE, Montevideo, Uruguay)
Description: Due to advances in the various subject areas in Biology, there is a need to offer graduate students an academic proposal that brings together the elements of Ultrastructural Cell Biology in cells of the central nervous system, in order to achieve a full understanding of the problem of biological and biochemical processes. In this way, students will be encouraged to have a dynamic view of events that, from the molecular level, are projected to cellular morphological aspects. It is in this aspect that Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is a very useful tool in the Biosciences area, which is why knowing the sample preparation procedures becomes one of the fundamental steps to properly discuss the results obtained.

BQA510025 – Special Topics in Biochemistry: Química, toxicología y fotoremediación ambiental
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Mariano Teruel (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – UNC), Dr. Juan E. Argüello (UNC), Dr. María Belén Blanco (UNC), Dr. Miriam Virgolini (UNC) and Dr. Boris U. Stambuk (PPG-BQA, UFSC).
Description: Comprender los ciclos biogeoquímicos de los sistemas ambientales. Estudiar la cinética y mecanismos de los procesos degradativos de distintos compuestos orgánicos y su impacto ambiental. Caracterizar y discutir los efectos sobre la salud de los principales contaminantes ambientales. Discutir nuevas metodologías para la mitigación de la contaminación ambiental por técnicas fotooxidativas avanzadas.

BQA510026 – Special Topics in Biochemistry: Radicales libres, especies reactivas y modificaciones oxidativas en proteinas: mecanismo bioquímico y relevancia biológica
Credit hours: 1 (15 class hours) – 2014
Instructors: Dr. Andreza Fabro de Bem (Coordenador), Dr Rafael Radi and Dr. Silvina Bartesaghi Hierro, Facultad de Medicina – Universidad de la República Montevideo, Uruguay
Description: Biochemical mechanisms and biological relevance of free radicals, reactive species, and oxidative modifications in proteins.

BQA5100-13 – Special Topics in Biochemistry: Mammalian Cell Culture and its Applications
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2013
Instructors: Dr. Marcelo Farina (Coordenador), Dr. Mariana Appel Hort and Dr. Danúbia Bonfanti dos Santos
Description: General aspects of animal cells and cell line cultivation. Obtaining cell lines of animal origin. Cell culture techniques. Infrastructure, reagents and material sterilization. Contaminations in this type of environment. Maintenance, cryopreservation and characterization of cell lines. Applications of cell culture in biological assays.

BQA510014 – Electrophysiology and Path Clamp – Applications in Neurosciences
Credit hours: 1 (15 class hours) – 2012
Instructors: Dr. Alexandra Susana Latini and Dr. Mariela Perez (guest)
Description: Basic concepts of excitability and mechanisms. Theoretical foundations of electrophysiology techniques. Applications.

BQA- 410017 – Mass Spectrometry
Credit hours: 1 (15 class hours – 2010)
Instructor: Dr. Hernán F. Terenzi
Description: Technical fundamentals of mass spectrometry and applications. This course will discuss: 1. Fundamentals of protein separation for mass spectrometry analysis; 2. Ionization modes and mass analyzers; 3. De novo peptide sequencing by MS/MS. Course taught in English.

BQA410009 – Cellular and Humoral Bases of Innate Immunity and Inflammatory Response
Instructors: Dr. Claudia E Sotomayor, Dr. Silvia Correa, Dr. Pablo Iribarren, Dr. Mariana Maccioni (Center for Research in Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology (CIBICI-CONICET) – Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemical Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina) and Dr. Andreza Fabro de Bem.
Description: Deepen and incorporate new concepts in relation to the cellular and molecular aspects of the innate immune response and the inflammatory response, the regulatory mechanisms and their association with pathologies of the Central Nervous System.

BQA 410008 – Fundamentals and Techniques of Electron Microscopy applied to Cell Biology
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2010
Instructors: Dr. Ana de Paul, Dr. Jorge Mukdsi, Dr. Alexandra Susana Latini
Description: Basic elements of electronic optics, electrostatic and magnetic lenses, column alignment, calibrations and aberration problems. Preparation of biological specimens for examination under the electron microscope. Techniques for labeling macromolecules with radiotracers associated with electron microscopy techniques.

BQA 410011 – Updates on Molecular Biology Techniques
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2010
Instructors: Dr. Fátima Regina Mena Barreto Silva (UFSC) and Dr. Christelle Delalande-Lecapitaine
Description: Introduction of different molecular biology techniques; study of gene expression under basal conditions and induced by exogenous hormones; practice of different gene sequencing techniques and perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of genes expressed in secretory and germinal cells; analysis of recent publications.

Introduction to Glycobiology
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2009
Instructors: Fernando Irazoqui; Alexandra Latini
Description: The challenge of glycobiology is to try to define the biological functions of carbohydrates bound to proteins and membranes, and to determine the mechanisms through which these glycocompounds exert their biological functions. This course aims to introduce graduate students to this subject area, emphasizing the description of glycidic structures ordinarily present in living organisms, the different metabolic pathways involved in synthesis, the role of glycocompounds in biological processes, and the maturation of glycans through evolution. The involvement of glycans in different pathologies will also be analyzed. Finally, the biotechnological applications of these compounds will be discussed.

Involvement of Metalloproteinases in Pathophysiological Processes
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2009
Instructors: Dr. Carlos Mas, Dr. Cecilia Sampedro, Dr.  Guillermo Gomez and Dr.  Andreza Fabro de Bem
Description: Directed to master’s and doctoral students, this course will address theoretical aspects and in vivo and in vitro experimental designs directed to the study of physiological and pathological aspects involved in the remodeling of the extracellular matrix of the activity of metalloproteinases. This course will also allow the exchange of knowledge and experiences between professors and students of the National University of Cordoba and the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Biochemical and Molecular Basis of Chronobiology
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours) – 2009
Instructors: Dr. Mario E. Guido, Dr. Eduardo Garbarino-Pico  and Dr. Maria Ana Contin
Description: This graduate course is aimed at master’s and doctoral students in the biomedical area. It consists of theoretical classes and discussion seminars on the molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of biological rhythms, as well as the applications of chronobiology in everyday life and in the health sciences.

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