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Required courses

BQA510028 – Advanced Biochemistry (Master’s and Doctoral Degree)
Credit hours: 4 (60 class hours)
Instructors: Carlos Peres, Guilherme Razzera, Ana Lucia S. Rodrigues, Manuella Kaster
Description: The Advanced Biochemistry course aims to review and develop a solid base of concepts of general biochemistry at the undergraduate level, which will support the most specialized courses and experimental work. It is intended to relate the metabolism to the physicochemical properties of biomolecules, emphasizing the mechanisms of metabolic regulation.

BQA4200000 Seminars I (Master’s) and Seminars III (Doctoral)
Credit hours: 2 (30 class hours)
Instructor: Course organized by the program coordinator
Description: Participation in weekly seminars presented by graduate students, researchers, visiting researchers and collaborators. Presentation of the thesis and dissertation projects. This activity will be mandatory and reserved, primarily, for the presentation and discussion of the results related to the students’ thesis and dissertations in order to promote interaction between groups and the constructive and supportive criticism between students and research group leaders.

BQA4202000 Seminars II (Master’s) ou Seminars IV (Doctoral)
Credit Hours: 2 (30 class hours)
Instructor:  Course organized by the program coordinator
Description: Participation in weekly seminars presented by graduate students, researchers or undergraduate students in the research laboratories. Presentation and discussion of scientific articles from journals with high prestige in the field of biochemistry or related areas.

Teaching Internship: The Teaching Internship course is mandatory only for doctoral students holding a CAPES scholarship. Students participate in undergraduate teaching activities in biochemistry courses, under the supervision of the course instructor.

Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.