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Frequently Asked Questions

1) When are calls for applications opened?
There are no pre-defined dates for opening a call for applications. The opening of new seats is subject to the existence of supervision places with each of the permanent professors of the Program, availability of scholarships, and other factors. You must access our website frequently and wait for the announcement to be published.

2) How do I enroll as a special student?
If you are not a regular student of the Program, you can enroll in a single course as a special student. To do so, you should access our website, see the courses available in the semester, choose the one that interests you, look for the responsible professor and ask for authorization. If authorized, you must register for the course within the deadlines established in the academic calendar, by e-mail, sending your ID card and CPF numer, undergraduate or master’s degree certificate, and registration form (available from our website). Enrollment is subject to the availability of places.

3) I am a regular student. How do I enroll in a course from another program?
You must request authorization from the professor responsible for the course and send it along with a personal request by e-mail to academico.sipg@contato.ufsc.br.

4) I am a regular student of another graduate program at UFSC. Can I take courses in this Program?
Yes. You just need to talk to the responsible professor to authorize it. After that, you should enroll in your own Program. Students can only complete enrollments with the office of their Programs, without exceptions.

5) I will not take any courses this semester. Do I need to enroll?
Yes. Students need to enroll every semester to maintain the link with the University. If you are not going to do a course, enroll in “Dissertation or Thesis Preparation”. This is also valid for students who are at another institution taking a  sandwich period abroad.

6) I’ve already enrolled in Seminars once, do I need to enroll every semester?
No. Seminars is a course in which you only enroll once, but you must attend the course until you complete the appropriate number of credits to get your grade. Attendance is controlled by the Program’s office.

7) What is the difference between Seminars I, II, III and IV?
Seminars I (Master’s degree) and Seminars II (Doctoral degree) are required courses and you need to attend 30 seminars and present 1 seminar (consisting of your Master’s qualifying exam or your doctoral project) to earn credits. Credits are awarded at the end of the program, when you are preparing for the defense, as the idea is that participation in seminars will be counted until then. Seminars III (Master’s degree) and Seminars IV (Doctoral degree) consist of seminars within the research groups. Many research groups hold weekly seminars and PPGBQA awards 2 credits for this activity. If this is your case, you can also request credits at the end of the program. To do this, you just need to send a letter from your supervisor stating that you participated in your research group’s weekly seminars, indicating for how long and assigning a grade for your participation. This document should be sent to SIPG.

8) How do I enroll in the teaching internship?
You must submit the following documentation to the Department responsible for the undergraduate course you are interested in (BEG, ECZ, BQA, FMC, etc): 1. Teaching Internship application form; 2. Complete syllabus for the desired undergraduate course; and 3. Work plan for your activities in the undergraduate course, specifying the number of class hours under your responsibility. After the internship is approved by the Undergraduate Program, it is submitted to the PPGBQA Council. After approval by the Council, registration is done at the PPGBQA office.

9) Do I have to do a Teaching Internship?
The internship is required only for doctoral students with a CAPES scholarship, who must complete 2 semesters of internship. However, the PPGBQA strongly recommends that all master’s and doctoral students take at least once this internship.

10) How do I get graded for the Teaching Internship?
After carrying out the activities, the student must ask the professor to send their grade by email to the PPGBQA office.

11) Can I transfer course credits?
Yes. You can make a request to the Program Council, who will define if the request is viable or not, according to the course syllabus and the student’s work. The request for credit transfer must contain: request (letter to the council, there is no template) signed by the student and the supervisor; academic transcript or statement that you attended the course(s), with grade(s); and syllabus of the course(s) (containing number of credits, course description, course content) signed by the coordinator or secretary of the Program where the course(s) were taken.

12) I am a doctoral student and I did my master’s in the same program. How do I transfer credits?
Doctoral students who wish to transfer credits from courses taken in the PPGBQA master’s degree program only need to submit a formal request to the PPGBQA office, without the need for an academic transcipt and a course syllabus.

13) What is the deadline for the submission of the proficiency certificate? How should I submit it?
The deadline is 12 months after entering the Program. In the Master’s program, students need to prove proficiency in English. In the Doctoral program, they need to prove proficiency in English and in another language, within the same deadline (If they have proved English proficiency in the master’s program, they can validate it). Submision of the proficiency certificate is made by email to the PPGBQA office; we do not file paper copies or originals.

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