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About the Program

Objective: The Graduate Program in Biochemistry (PPGBQA) aims to prepare qualified human resources highly committed to the generation and dissemination of knowledge and to the development of original and planned research, showing scientific capacity and teaching competence in the area of Biochemistry and able to meet the local, regional and national needs.

Mission: The Graduate Program in Biochemistry aims to produce, systematize, and disseminate scientific and technological knowledge in the field of Biochemistry, expanding and deepening human development in this area for professional practice, critical reflection, national and international solidarity, with a view to building a just and democratic society and advocating for quality of life.

Vision: The vision aspires to a Graduate Program of excellence and inclusivity, based on the following values: academic and quality-driven, innovative and entrepreneurial, active, inclusive, internationalized, interdisciplinary, free and responsible, democratic and plural, dialogical, well-managed and planned, transparent, and ethical.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Area of Concentration: Biochemistry.

Lines of Research:
– Molecular and Structural Biology;
– Biochemical Toxicology;
– Signal Transduction.

Contact: ppgbqa@contato.ufsc.br | +55 48 3721-2713

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