Enrollment Calendar 2023/1

20/12/2022 18:52

Dear students, we disclose the enrollment calendar for 2023/1.

Enrollment period for regular students: 09/02 to 12/02: period for online enrollment in disciplines of the Program itself through the Graduate Academic Control System (CAPG): www.capg.ufsc.br

Enrollment of students from other UFSC programs: as of 02/13: start of enrollment requests for students from other Graduate Programs at UFSC. No term limit. The request must be sent to the e-mail: academico.sipg@contato.ufsc.br

Enrollment in isolated discipline (people from outside UFSC): 02/15, 02/16 and 02/17. Period for requesting enrollment in a separate discipline by the Postgraduate Academic Control System (CAPG).

The semester subjects will be informed at the link: https://ppgbqa.ufsc.br/disciplinas-do-semestre/disciplinas-do-semestre/

More information with SIPG