Ana Lúcia Severo Rodrigues

Neurobiology of Depression
Laboratory (LANED)

Prof. Rodrigues holds an undergraduate degree in Pharmacy (Clinical Analysis) from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, a master’s degree in Biochemistry from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, and a doctoral degree in Biochemistry from the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR).

“Her research is aimed at investigating the mechanisms involved in the antidepressant activity of neuromodulators, vitamins, natural and synthetic products and physical exercise in animal models of depression and in models of comorbity, depression and neurodegenerative diseases

Main Publications:

Prophylactic effect of physical exercise on Aβ1-40-induced depressive-like behavior: Role of BDNF, mTOR signaling, cell proliferation and survival in the hippocampus. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, v. 94, p. 109646, 2019.

Therapeutic potential of agmatine for CNS disorders. Neurochemistry International, v. 108, p. 318-331, 2017.

Agmatine potentiates antidepressant and synaptic actions of ketamine: Effects on dendritic arbors and spines architecture and Akt/S6 kinase signaling. Experimental Neurology, v. 333, p. 113398, 2020.

Ascorbic Acid to Manage Psychiatric Disorders. CNS Drugs, v. 31, p. 571-583, 2017.