CAPES Thesis Award 2022

13/04/2022 12:24

É com muito orgulho que anunciamos a Tese selecionada para representar o PPGBQA no Prêmio CAPES de Tese 2022, que premia Teses defendidas no ano de 2021. A Tese escolhida, “Interação entre as vias das quinureninas e da tetraidrobiopterinana hipersensibilidade à dor”, é de autoria da Dra. Ananda Christina Staats Pires e foi orientada pela Profa. Dra. Alexandra S. Latini.

Dra. Ananda Christina Staats Pires  

Mini resumo: A dor crônica é uma doença sem diagnóstico e tratamentoacurados. Esta tese explorou o potencial dos metabólitos das vias das quinureninas (KYN) e da tetraidrobiopterina (BH4) como biomarcadores de dor crônica. Foram realizadas a avaliação do perfil destes metabólitos e sua correlação com as características em pacientes com dor crônica.Os dados resultantes revelam que mediadores das KYN/ BH4 foram associados com a intensidade e outras caraterísticas da dor crônica, sugerindo sua validade como biomarcadores.

A tese pode ser encontrada em 

New study evaluated the evolution and circulation of coronavirus variants in SC

29/03/2022 13:50

A study involving several UFSC departments, the Bioinformatics Nucleus (UFSC), IFSC, the company Biome-Hub, government agencies of the State of SC, among other partners, was published in the international journal “Viruses”. The study, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Glauber Wagner (PPGBTC) had the participation of two PPGBQA professors, Dr. Guilherme Razzera and Dr. Guilherme Toledo, and the student, Tâmela Madaloz.

Hundreds of SARS-CoV-2 genomes were evaluated between 2020 and 2021, and as a result, 23 variants were found, predominantly the Gamma variant, where the P.1-likeII type showed regionalization in the western region of Santa Catarina, with protein characteristics different. The data point to a direct correlation of this variant with the increase in cases and mortality in the western region of SC during the second wave of COVID-19. The study is still in progress, where new variants will remain in constant monitoring in Santa Catarina in the period 2022 and 2023.

More information:

See the complete work:

International Lecture – Prof. Dr. Marco G. Alves

20/02/2022 16:40

The Graduate Programs in Biochemistry and Pharmacy at UFSC invite everyone to the lecture by Prof Dr. Marco G. Alves, who is visiting UFSC with support from the CAPES/PrInt Program. Title: “Omics and Molecular Biology in the search for biomarkers: application in male reproduction”

Date: February 21st, 2022, 2:30 p.m.

About Dr. Marco G. Alves:  Assistant Researcher/Principal Investigator – Unit for Multidisciplinary Research in Biomedicine (UMIB) – Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS), University of Porto. His main lines of research are focused on reproductive biology, obesity, diabetes, metabolism, metabolic modulation, and cellular metabolic profiles. Prof Marco Alves has a large volume of international publications in the last decade, mainly focused on the metabolism of Sertoli cells and the modulation of the metabolic behavior of these cells under pathological conditions. He is a member of the editorial board of several scientific journals such as “Antioxidants and Redox Signaling”, “Scientific Reports”, “Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology”, “Antioxidants”, “Plos One” and “Nutrition & Metabolism Journal”; serves as Guest Editor at “Current Molecular Pharmacology” and “Current Pharmaceutical Design”. In addition, he works as a reviewer for more than 80 specialized magazines. Orcid iD:

Nutritional Modulation of Immune Function in Cancer

20/02/2022 16:31

Prof. Dr. Maicon Kviecinski (Visiting Professor at PPGBQA – UFSC), Prof. Dr. Fabiana Ourique (Department of Biochemistry at UFJF), and Prof. Dr. Amanda Bagolin (Department of Nutrition – UFSC) are the editors of a new topic launched in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition and invite researchers in the field to submit papers. The topic “Nutritional Modulation of Immune Function in Cancer” focuses on nutrition, the immune system, and cancer. For more information, access the Research Topic.

Enrollment calendar for 2022/1

28/01/2022 17:59

Enrollment period for regular students: 03/23 to 03/27 – online enrollment period in courses of the PPGBQA itself through the Graduate Academic Control system (CAPG):

Enrollment of students from other UFSC Graduate programs: 03/28 – beginning of the enrollment requests for students from other UFSC Graduate Programs. The requests must be sent to:

Enrollment in an isolated courses (students outside UFSC): 03/30, 03/31 and 04/01. Period for requesting enrollment in an isolated courses through the Postgraduate Academic Control system (CAPG):
Guidelines for enrollment in an isolated courses: 1) Access the address 2) Make your registration to access the system; 3) Select the “master’s” level. 4) In the field “Program dedication”, select “partial”; 5)  In the field “Interest in Fellowship”, select “No”. 6) Do not nominate any advisors. 7) Upload the required documents (e-mail copy of the authorization of the professor responsible for the registration form, copies of the identity card, CPF and undergraduate diploma or transcript if you are still in the course. Enrollments will be confirmed or not by e-mail sent by the secretary.

The semester disciplines will be informed at:

PPGBQA researchers among the most influential in the world

03/11/2021 10:32

No dia 19 de outubro foi publicada no periódico Plos Biology a terceira atualização de uma pesquisa conduzida por uma equipe da Universidade de Stanford listando os 100 mil cientistas mais influentes do mundo. O banco de dados criado utilizando a base de dados Scopus até agosto de 2021 e avalia métricas como citações, índice H, coautorias e um indicador composto. Os pesquisadores foram ranqueados pela sua contribuição ao longo da carreira e também pela contribuição recente (2020/2021).

A UFSC tem 26 pesquisadores na nova listagem, que inclui um total de 812 pesquisadores brasileiros. O PPGBQA tem 2 pesquisadores que aparecem na lista pelas contribuições ao longo de suas carreiras, o Prof. Dr. Afonso C. D. Bainy e o Prof. Dr. Marcelo Farina. O Prof. Dr. Marcelo Farina já aparecia na listagem publicada em 2020 e foi destacado ainda como um dos pesquisadores mais influentes por suas contribuições recentes (2020/2021). Mais informações:


Women in Science Award 2021

03/11/2021 10:19

On October 27, 2021, Profa. Dr. Ana Lúcia Rodrigues from PPGBQA received the medal of the Women in Science Award 2021 (Senior Category – Life Sciences) from the Dean, Prof. Dr. Sebastião R. Soares, and the superintendent of projects, Profa. Dr. Maique Weber Biavatti. Congratulations Prof. Ana Lúcia and PROPESQ for the initiative! More information at: